May 03, 2011, 10:23 PM // 22:23
Academy Page
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: UK
Guild: No Goats No Glory (BAAA)
No Goats No Glory [BAAA] lf GvGers of any experience
No Goats No Glory (BAAA) are looking to recruit some fresh blood.
A little history:
We were formed in March 2008 as an alternative to the raging, drama filled GvG guilds that our members were used to. We wanted to create a learning environment in a relaxed atmosphere to enjoy GvG's again. If we ever got too serious we would tank the rating down again with some Flareway as we wanted to keep the ethos of putting fun before anything else, totaling up over 1500 GvGs with our core group of freinds.
However inactivity and real life commitments meant that we slowly grew less and less active until we no longer had enough regular members to GvG anymore. Those of us who were left decided to stay on and keep the name alive playing AB / RA and CB.
So after all that we are looking to hop on the GvG revival train. We have now been GvGing regularly since participating in the Guru Cup Casual Division and are looking for some fresh recruits.
- We are looking for people who fit into our original ethos, namely people who are not rank and rating obsessed and who are willing to listen to advise and not rage when things aren't going so well.
- We have no title rank requirements.
- Currently we are looking for all positions. We are very all flexable and like to switch things around as often playing the same role can get repetitive.
- We are very brave Euros, however we do play until late so Americans are welcome to apply.
- We have a strong PvX ally so there is the option of HA and guesting GvG in our downtime as well as brave guild AB.
If you are interested pm me here.
Last edited by Space; May 03, 2011 at 10:28 PM // 22:28..